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Naturism Advocacy & Content

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Did you know? We’re also naturism advocates. Through our naturist content, we aim to reach & inspire people around the globe to experience the freedom and confidence naturism brings and shed the undue shame and stigma society often slaps on the natural human body.

For us, non-sexual nudity has been a vehicle for a greater understanding of our individual freedom. By shedding shame of nakedness and sexuality or really anything that makes us feel negative emotions, you gain confidence in so many other aspects of life…

For those interested in viewing our naturist & nudist related content, we have a separate website dedicated to the promotion of naturism which includes a map of all naturist & nudist locations we’ve visited, fun video reports and lots more.

If you’re interested in a naturist way of living, proceed below.

Naturist VLOG


  • Naturism is a lifestyle of practicing non-sexual social nudity in private and in public; the word also refers to the cultural movement which advocates and defends that lifestyle. Both may alternatively be called nudism. Though the two terms are broadly interchangeable, nudism emphasizes the practice of nudity, whilst naturism highlights an attitude favoring harmony with nature and respect for the environment, into which that practice is integrated. – International Naturist Federation


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JUN 05, 2023 – We did it! Our world travels have begun ✈️. First stop, Porto PT via NYC & Lisbon. Don’t miss a thing! Subscribe to our free YouTube channel. Come along!

MAY 16, 2023 – Today we put our RV, which has served as our home for the past 5 yrs, in storage. Then we’re off to sell our 4×4 Adventure Van. All new destinations ✈️ very soon. Come along!

MAY 14, 2023 – We’re about two weeks away from starting our world travels ✈️🌍 Look for a couple more travel videos in the next week or so and then our updates will be near real-time again…

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