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We visit what may be the world’s largest naturist / nudist destination, located on the western coast of France.

We rent a car in Bordeaux and head to the coast where we stay at Euronat for three amazing days.

We discuss how freeing Euronat is and how France is a fantastic place to experience naturism as there are so many options.

Visiting Euronat was truly amazing and gave us a sense of freedom like we’ve never experienced before. We’re thrilled to bring you along.

Visit our website for more about us and our unabashed life: https://www.BIRDIEandBAMBAM.com

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JUN 05, 2023 – We did it! Our world travels have begun ✈️. First stop, Porto PT via NYC & Lisbon. Don’t miss a thing! Subscribe to our free YouTube channel. Come along!

MAY 16, 2023 – Today we put our RV, which has served as our home for the past 5 yrs, in storage. Then we’re off to sell our 4×4 Adventure Van. All new destinations ✈️ very soon. Come along!

MAY 14, 2023 – We’re about two weeks away from starting our world travels ✈️🌍 Look for a couple more travel videos in the next week or so and then our updates will be near real-time again…


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JUN 05, 2023 – We did it! Our world travels have begun ✈️. First stop, Porto PT via NYC & Lisbon. Don’t miss a thing! Subscribe to our free YouTube channel. Come along!

MAY 16, 2023 – Today we put our RV, which has served as our home for the past 5 yrs, in storage. Then we’re off to sell our 4×4 Adventure Van. All new destinations ✈️ very soon. Come along!

MAY 14, 2023 – We’re about two weeks away from starting our world travels ✈️🌍 Look for a couple more travel videos in the next week or so and then our updates will be near real-time again…

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