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In this episode, we travel from Colorado to Bemidji and Minneapolis, Minnesota.

We witness heavy police activity downtown as the city is still reeling & recovering from the police murder of George Floyd.

We try floating our new foldable TuckTec kayaks but discover a major design flaw.

While trying to find the city’s gay pride festivities, we quickly realize the event organizers have put out bad event information. Total fail!

We also visit the Mall of America and experience sensory overload.

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JUN 05, 2023 – We did it! Our world travels have begun ✈️. First stop, Porto PT via NYC & Lisbon. Don’t miss a thing! Subscribe to our free YouTube channel. Come along!

MAY 16, 2023 – Today we put our RV, which has served as our home for the past 5 yrs, in storage. Then we’re off to sell our 4×4 Adventure Van. All new destinations ✈️ very soon. Come along!

MAY 14, 2023 – We’re about two weeks away from starting our world travels ✈️🌍 Look for a couple more travel videos in the next week or so and then our updates will be near real-time again…


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JUN 05, 2023 – We did it! Our world travels have begun ✈️. First stop, Porto PT via NYC & Lisbon. Don’t miss a thing! Subscribe to our free YouTube channel. Come along!

MAY 16, 2023 – Today we put our RV, which has served as our home for the past 5 yrs, in storage. Then we’re off to sell our 4×4 Adventure Van. All new destinations ✈️ very soon. Come along!

MAY 14, 2023 – We’re about two weeks away from starting our world travels ✈️🌍 Look for a couple more travel videos in the next week or so and then our updates will be near real-time again…

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